Monday, 25 November 2013

Uploading footage

Unfortunately due to lack of supplies at the school there is only 1 macbook to share between 4 groups inorder to upload footage therefore I have to get on with other stuff to kill time, to speed things up I am going to bring my own macbook in after speaking with the technicians and finding out that I will be able to transfer my footage onto the macs in school or even just do the whole of my editing on my macbook.

Filming for the first time

Over the weekend I was able to meet up with my actors, unfortunately I was not able to meet up with them at the same time therefore it was hard to film parts of my music video, however I made best with the very little time I had and decided to film some shots that I could use of them, these being tracking shots and various close ups. Although these shots were not story boarded, I gathered that I could fit them in, plus I dont have time to be wasting when I am finally able to get myself and the actors together at the same time.

Monday, 18 November 2013

Story board

These are the story boards I completed in lesson today, I have drew a picture of the original shot and then explained how it will develop and also what it is supposed to represent.

Todays Plan

In my lessons today I plan on expanding my analysis on the music videos and also if I have time begin a story board for my first few scenes. I am making the storyboard so that I have a basic structure for my music video however once out shooting it I might change my ideas slightly.

Monday, 4 November 2013

Things I have To Consider

Planning: The actors need to be clear on the planning for example, showing story boards, planning props, costumes and locations, organising times and dates and also try and keep a record of everything that you're doing.

Shooting: Bring a device to play the song so that the singer can mime the song and also so that I can hear it when I come to edit the piece together. I should really get three different shots of every scene at different angles so that I can capture everything and also so that I have more footage to work with.

Uploading: When uploading footage I will be cutting my recordings into reasonable sized chunks so that it is easier to manage and organised, meaning no footage can be lost, it will also be time saving.

Lip-syncing: This will be the most time consuming part of the project, one I have gotten rid of the excess footage and started to peice together the lip synching will have to be precise, by matching the sound waves to the clip.

Editing: Once I have chosen my clips and finished my lip syncing I will then start to choose what clips I want to include in my music video, I should expect to make compromises as some footage that I like may not be suitable for the video. I need a lot of time for editing inorder to edit to the best of my ability, a suggested 8-10 hours will be needed.

Half Term Holiday

Unfortunately over the half term holiday I was unable to film with my actors due to myself and one other girl being at work all week therefore we are going to have to limit our filming to tuesday mornings and the odd night during the week if we are free. This will mean it will be harder to meet the deadline, therefore I need to manage my time effectively.